Safety and Security

How We Keep Our Drivers and Cargo Safe

The Importance of Safety

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Safety Standards

We’re dedicated to upholding the highest safety standards and ensuring that all of our drivers and cargo arrive safely and securely at their destinations.

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Safety Measures

Our team adheres to exacting measures to ensure that all cargo is secured correctly, and we provide our drivers with extensive training on safe driving practices, defensive driving techniques, and more.

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Vehicle Maintenance

Our vehicles are regularly inspected and maintained to ensure they’re in top condition, contributing to driver safety.

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Safety Initiatives

But our commitment to safety doesn’t stop there – we’ve also implemented a number of initiatives to further enhance the safety of our drivers, cargo, and everyone on the road.

The Importance of Safety

We’re committed to upholding the highest safety standards, and we’ve implemented several initiatives to further enhance the safety of our drivers, cargo, and everyone on the road.

Hands-On Defensive Driving Training

We believe that one of the most effective ways to promote safe driving habits is through hands-on defensive driving training. That’s why we conduct this type of training with every driver on our team.

This training includes techniques for avoiding collisions, identifying and responding to hazards, maintaining control of the vehicle in various situations, and more!

In-Person Coaching & Reviews

To ensure that our drivers are always improving their driving skills, we provide in-person coaching and reviews with each driver every quarter. During these sessions, our experienced trainers work one-on-one with our drivers to identify areas for improvement and provide feedback on their driving habits.

Road & Driver Facing Cameras

To improve overall safe driving behavior, we’ve installed road and driver-facing cameras in all of our vehicles. These cameras not only help us identify potential hazards on the road but also provide real-time feedback to our drivers on their driving habits.

By using these cameras as a valuable coaching tool, we’re able to work with our drivers to improve their driving skills and maintain the highest safety standards. This proactive approach to safety allows us to identify and address potential issues before they become a problem, keeping our drivers, the freight, and everyone on the road safe.

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Safety Goes Beyond the Driver

We’re committed to safety, and we believe that our approach to safety goes beyond just the driver.

By taking a proactive approach to safety, offering educational programs, and investing in new equipment, we’re able to maintain the highest safety standards and ensure the safety of everyone on the road.


Our dedication to providing comprehensive educational programs on topics like defensive driving techniques and load/cargo safety helps us minimize potential risks and ensure the highest level of safety for our team and others on the road.

Smith System

Our whole fleet goes through Smith System Training before they ever operate a ShipEX truck. This program focuses on identifying potential hazards, maintaining proper following distance, and identifying safe driving zones.

By training our drivers on the Smith System, we're able to promote a culture of safety and equip our drivers with the tools they need to operate safely on the road.

New Equipment

Our dedication to providing comprehensive educational programs on topics like defensive driving techniques and load/cargo safety helps us minimize potential risks and ensure the highest level of safety for our team and others on the road.