Truck driver mental health is key to a healthy life and safe roads. Mental health is key to a healthy and balanced life. It affects emotions, thoughts, and behavior. As a driver, you need to be able to stay alert and make quick decisions at any moment. These skills become harder to reach when you are struggling with chronic stress or mental health issues.

How can awareness help?

Understanding mental health and promoting mental health awareness can make a big difference in the lives of truck drivers. Long hours on the road, isolation, irregular sleep patterns, and the pressure of meeting tight deadlines can lead to increased stress, anxiety, or depression. Understanding the impact of these can help create an environment where you as a driver can feel supported and encouraged to put your mental health first.

Busting the taboo around mental health can create an environment of empathy, understanding, and support so truck drivers can get the resources and support systems they need to improve their mental well-being.

Stress meter showing maximum stress

Stress On The Road

For truck drivers who are often on the road for long hours, isolated and under pressure to meet tight deadlines, good mental health is key. Driving itself is stressful enough with heavy traffic, bad weather, and unfamiliar routes.

Being constantly on alert to operate a big vehicle for long periods can take its toll on a driver’s mental state. The job is demanding and often means long periods away from home and loved ones so feelings of isolation and loneliness are common. Add to that the pressure to meet tight delivery deadlines and these stressors can contribute to the decline of a truck driver’s mental health.

Effective stress management is key to protecting the mental well-being of truck drivers. Unmanaged stress can have serious consequences for mental health, leading to decreased concentration, increased fatigue, and poor decision-making. These consequences not only put the driver at risk but also others on the road.

We will go into some of the tools you can use as a driver to manage your mental health on the road. These are not the only options and may not be the best for you so if you are struggling please reach out to licensed professionals and your support network.

Managing Loneliness OTR

Loneliness can have a big impact on mental health and this is especially true for truck drivers who are on the road for long hours. Isolation and solitude can lead to feelings of loneliness which can in turn lead to increased stress, depression, and anxiety. We are social creatures by nature and the lack of regular social interaction and support while on the road can take its toll on mental health.

Managing loneliness on the road as a truck driver takes conscious effort and multiple strategies. One approach is to prioritize social connections whenever possible. Truckers can stay in touch with loved ones through phone calls, video chats, or messaging apps to bridge the physical distance.

Doing hobbies or interests during downtime can also give a sense of purpose and connection. Joining online communities or forums specifically for truck drivers can create a virtual support network where you can share experiences, and advice and commiserate with others. Seeking out local events or meetups during layovers can provide opportunities for in-person socializing and connecting with other truckers who understand the unique challenges of the job.

ShipEX has a closed Facebook group for our ShipEX drivers to connect and socialize while on the road so they can build friendships with other drivers who understand life on the road.

Mental Health Services

There are several mental health services that cater to the mental health of truck drivers. To find mental health services and support for mental illness, truck drivers can start by contacting their employer or employee assistance programs to ask about the resources available. Many trucking companies have realized the importance of mental health and may have partnerships with mental health providers or counseling services.

And there are non-profit organizations such as the St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund that offer help and guidance on accessing mental health services specifically for truck drivers. Online directories and databases such as the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Treatment Locator can also help you find mental health professionals and treatment facilities across the country. Truck drivers need to actively seek out these resources and reach out for help when needed, knowing mental health is part of their overall well-being.

Sad woman talking to therapist

Talk to a therapist

Talking to a therapist may seem impossible for truck drivers but with telehealth it’s possible. Remote therapy allows you to talk to a professional about mental illness and mental health care. This can be key to looking after your health on the road and preventing a mental health crisis.

Understand Your Symptoms

Understanding your mental health symptoms as a truck driver is key to managing your well-being on the road. Take the time to learn what mental health looks like for you and you can identify the signs and symptoms that mean your mental health is declining.

For example, you may notice feeling stressed, anxious, or irritable, changes in your sleep patterns, loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy, or difficulty concentrating. Recognizing these warning signs allows you to take action before they get out of hand. It may mean reaching out for help, learning coping strategies, or implementing self-care routines specific to your needs as a truck driver.

Talking about your mental health openly helps to break down the stigma around mental health, and creates a safe space where you can ask for help without fear of being judged. By building strong connections and maintaining these relationships you build a support network that can help you navigate the unique challenges of being a truck driver and your mental health.

Learn more about mental health

There are many resources to help you learn more about your mental health condition and if you’re at risk of developing a mental illness. Talk to a professional about your concerns and look up online articles and forums to learn more and find resources for common mental health conditions.

Man Meditating

Practice Mindfulness

Talking to a mental health professional may not be an option for everyone. If you don’t feel comfortable doing so or you don’t have the resources to see a therapist, there are still options for you. As we mentioned earlier there are tools for managing stress that can be done on your own and are free or low-cost.

For example, you can create a routine that includes regular exercise, healthy eating, and rest. Finding ways to manage stress on the road such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques or hobbies that bring you joy and relaxation can also help.


Meditation and grounding exercises are great tools for long-term stress and emotional regulation on the road. Taking time to ground yourself and use breathing exercises when you feel a stress response can help you to relieve both emotional and physical symptoms of stress.

There are many online resources that explain how to do deep breathing and mindfulness here are a few of the most common ones. Taking deep slow breaths calms the nervous system, and lowers heart rate and blood pressure when you feel stressed. Another common tool is to name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. This can ground you in the present moment when you start to feel overwhelmed.

Truck driver talking on two way radio

Connect With Loved Ones

Being open and honest with friends and loved ones about your mental health is a key part of managing your well-being as a truck driver. Sharing your struggles and concerns with trusted people can give you emotional support and understanding. Loved ones can listen, comfort, and even help problem-solve when needed.

Use your devices to feel more connected on the road. Call friends and loved ones from the road to deepen those connections and reduce feelings of loneliness as a driver.

If you want to feel more connected to other drivers use your radio. There are many channels and podcasts for drivers that create a sense of community. You can also use your CB radio to talk to drivers in the trucks around you on the road to discuss road conditions or just to share jokes and banter.

ShipEX Difference

At ShipEX we value our drivers. One of the many ways we do that is by supporting our driver’s mental health. Not only do we provide opportunities for our drivers to connect on social media and in our terminal but we also offer optional mental health insurance. This is not a free resource but can be a great tool for drivers who want to invest in their mental health by working with a licensed professional.

ShipEX drivers are part of the team and an essential piece of the transportation industry. We love to show our care for them through the many resources we have available. To learn more, visit and speak to one of our recruiters today.

Disclaimer:The information contained on this post is general in nature and should not be considered complete or used in place of a visit, call, consultation or advice of your physician or other mental health-care provider. Should you have any mental health-care-related questions or concerns, please call or see your physician or other health-care provider promptly.
This blog post is for informational purposes only. ShipEX makes no warranties about this information’s completeness, reliability, or accuracy. Any action you take upon the information on this website is strictly at your own risk. ShipEX will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection therewith. Furthermore, nothing in this blog alters ShipEX Policies which are subject to change without notice.