Last week, we discussed the importance of getting an energizing night (or if you prefer, day) of rest. Not only did we go over why it was so important, but we also talked about many of the difficulties you, as a Professional Truck Driver, face in getting that much-needed rest.

This week, we are diving into the strategies that you can implement to get the best night’s rest, from developing consistent sleep patterns to easy ways to get more restful and energizing sleep.

As a recap, getting a good night’s rest is more than just sleeping; it has two vital components:

  • Consistency

  • Quality Sleep

Dog sleeping with alarm clock and sleeping mask

Consistent Sleep Schedule

Consistency is all about making sure you develop normal sleep routines. These scheduled times for rest do not need to be down to the minute. You can allow your bedtime and wake-up time to be more general.

Consistency helps to develop a better circadian rhythm, or your body’s internal clock. A well-tuned internal clock allows you to naturally fall asleep and wake up on time. This is essential for healthy sleep.

For Professional Truck Drivers, that can be difficult. You need to balance shifting appointment times, Hours of Service, and a lot of other tasks.

However, you can develop routines and behaviors to make yourself more susceptible to falling asleep — these act as signals to let your brain know that it is time to rest.

These patterns can be as simple as:

  • Watching a show

  • Meditating

  • Reading

So long as you have a set action that you do before bed, that will signal your body that it is time for sleep. Making sure that you create and follow a schedule before going to sleep every night can ensure a quicker movement into falling asleep. It is also important to remember that it takes time to adjust to a new sleep schedule, so you should not expect results after one night of a sleep routine.

Just make sure that your pattern before sleep does not include drinking caffeine or eating spicy food as that can cause trouble sleeping.


Quality Sleep

Once you get to sleep, the other key to getting a good night’s sleep is sleeping without interruption. Poor sleep will not provide the rest you need, and neither will insufficient sleep. A healthy adult needs to sleep for at least seven hours to see benefits to physical health.

When you are seeking a better night’s sleep, it is important to remember what contributes to restful sleep. We crave cool, dark, quiet spaces for the best kinds of sleep. One of the best ways to prevent noise from interrupting your sleep is to park somewhere quiet.

Given the monumental issue of parking and that many Drivers haul reefers (including everyone in the ShipEX Fleet), it makes that task nearly impossible.

Instead, you can control the noise with either a white noise generator or you can invest in a good pair of earplugs to reduce noise almost entirely.

And speaking of limiting things that negatively impact your sleep, we should talk about blackout curtains. Blocking out all lights can make a massive difference in sleep quality. Using a blackout curtain or an eye mask can help keep your cab dark.

Not only should you block light from entering your cab, but you should also reduce your exposure to light from within the cab. That means turning the television off before bed and putting your phone on Do Not Disturb.

Finally, getting your cab to the exact right temperature for the best sleep can be difficult. Hot summer nights and frigid winters can put a damper on a good night’s rest.

With the development of temperature-controlled bunks and technology like Opt-Idle, you can pinpoint the perfect temperature for great sleep. It may take a little while to find the exact setting that works for you, but it will be time well spent finding the best sleep possible.

Contributing Factors

If you are still struggling to get healthy sleep despite following these tips, you may have some other contributing factors.

There are many health complications that can affect your ability to get enough quality sleep. Sleep disorders like sleep apnea can cause you to wake up feeling tired, even if you have enough hours of sleep.

You may struggle to stay asleep at night or follow a regular sleep schedule. If this is the case, speaking with your doctor about sleep medicine could help you to get better sleep and start feeling health benefits.

These are just some of the tips you can use to make the most out of resting during your 10-hour break. As a Professional Truck Driver hauling thousands of pounds worth of freight, you are obliged to get the best night’s rest possible. Getting the right kind of sleep not only feels great but drastically reduces your chances of causing a significant collision and harming yourself and others.

Drive safe out there!