Staying Connected On The Road

As over-the-road or OTR drivers, you are no stranger to spending weeks alone on the road. This can be isolating for even the most social people. It is essential to find ways to stay connected to friends and loved ones while you are on the road. Not only does staying connected help feelings of loneliness, but it also helps with improving mental health!

Mental Health tips written on chalkboard

Common mental health struggles for truckers

Over-the-road (OTR) driving is an incredibly demanding job, and it’s essential to acknowledge the common mental health struggles many of you may encounter. Spending extended periods away from home and loved ones while navigating the vast highways can take a toll on your well-being.

The isolated nature of the trucking industry can lead to feelings of loneliness and homesickness, and the constant exposure to stress, tight schedules, and traffic congestion can increase anxiety and depression risks.

Additionally, the sedentary nature of truck driving may impact your physical health, which can further affect your mental state. It’s crucial to address these challenges to ensure your overall well-being and resilience.

Man walking down desolate road

Chronic loneliness

Chronic loneliness refers to an enduring state of profound isolation and social disconnection that persists over an extended period. Unlike transient feelings of solitude, chronic loneliness can be a persistent and pervasive emotional state, impacting one’s overall well-being and mental health.

Chronic loneliness can be particularly challenging to overcome, as it may reinforce negative thought patterns and hinder one’s ability to form and maintain healthy relationships.

Addressing chronic loneliness requires a multifaceted approach, including self-awareness, seeking social support, and professional guidance when necessary, to improve emotional resilience and enhance one’s sense of belonging.

Woman sitting in anxiety


Depression, also known as major depressive disorder, is a complex and serious mental health condition that significantly impacts a person’s emotions, thoughts, and behavior. It goes beyond the normal fluctuations of mood and can persist for weeks, months, or even years if left untreated.

Other common symptoms include changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. Seeking professional help is crucial for those experiencing depression, as it can lead to significant improvements in mental well-being and overall quality of life.

Man pressed against glass

Feelings of Isolation

Feelings of isolation refer to a profound sense of being emotionally disconnected and socially detached from others, often resulting in a perceived lack of meaningful connections and support. When experiencing isolation, individuals may feel like they are on the fringes of social interactions, unable to relate to others or be understood.

This sense of separation can stem from various factors, such as physical distance from loved ones, a lack of close relationships, social anxiety, or the perception of not fitting in with a particular group.

Over time, persistent isolation may negatively impact one’s mental health and physical health, as social interactions and meaningful connections are essential for overall well-being.

Addressing feelings of isolation often involves reaching out to others, seeking professional support, and engaging in activities that foster a sense of belonging, helping individuals regain a stronger social network and a greater sense of fulfillment in life.

Road signs reading stressed anxious worried

How can feeling lonely or isolated affect your health?

Understanding the challenges you face on the road and the long hours spent away from your support networks, it is crucial to acknowledge how feelings of loneliness and isolation can impact your health.

The demanding nature of your profession can lead to a sense of detachment from loved ones, which, if not addressed, may have adverse effects on both your physical and mental health.

Chronic loneliness has been associated with increased stress levels, heightened anxiety, and potential depressive tendencies. The compounded stress from your job and emotional isolation could elevate the risk of cardiovascular issues, weakened immune systems, and disrupted sleep patterns.

As safety on the road is paramount, it is essential to recognize that the lack of social interaction might also impact your cognitive abilities and decision-making skills, possibly increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Paper people holding hands

How can you stay connected?

Online Resources

There are many online resources available to you on the road, especially when you find parking areas with wifi. One of the most popular and versatile platforms for virtual connections is Zoom.

Whether it’s a weekly catch-up call, virtual family dinners, or special occasions like birthdays and holidays, Zoom brings you all together in a virtual space. You can share stories, see each other’s expressions, and maintain that important human connection, fostering strong relationships even when you’re on the road.

Take advantage of video chats during your rest breaks or downtime, and make it a habit to check in with your family regularly. They will appreciate your effort in keeping communication alive, and it will undoubtedly strengthen the bond you share.

Moreover, becoming part of an online community can also enrich your connections while on the road. Look for forums or social media groups where truck drivers and their families come together to share experiences and support one another. Engaging in these communities can provide you with valuable insights, helpful tips, and a sense of belonging.

You can exchange stories, seek advice, and offer encouragement to fellow drivers’ families, knowing that you’re not alone in this journey. Building relationships with others who understand the unique challenges and joys of the OTR lifestyle can be a source of comfort and camaraderie, extending your support network beyond your immediate family circle.

Woman communicating on laptop

Remote Activities

You can leverage technology to bridge the gap and connect with your families remotely through various online activities. One effective way to bond with your loved ones is by playing online games together. There are numerous multiplayer games available that allow you and other drivers, friends, or family members to team up and compete virtually, regardless of your physical location.

By organizing regular gaming sessions, you can have fun, share laughter, and build memories with your family, even when you are miles apart. Whether it’s solving puzzles together, engaging in virtual battles, or simply enjoying casual games, online gaming provides an interactive and enjoyable way to stay connected.

Another good option for truck drivers is to connect with your families through movie nights using watch parties. Several online platforms offer features that allow multiple people to watch a movie simultaneously while chatting or video calling in real-time. You can plan movie nights with your family and choose films that everyone can enjoy together.

Movie watch parties provide a cozy and intimate setting for you to relax and bond with your loved ones, proving that distance is no barrier to creating meaningful connections. So, embrace these remote ways of connecting with your family and make the most of your time together, even while on the road.

Clock on calendar and planner

Scheduled Time

One effective way to stay connected is by scheduling regular phone calls during driving hours or rest periods. During the long hours on the road, you can set aside specific times to call loved ones. By taking advantage of planning specific times you can ensure that they are available to answer the phone as well.

With hands-free and Bluetooth devices, you can call them at any point on the road, and you will feel much more connected when you know they will be able to answer. Calling during rest breaks can also be a good time to connect via video call. This way you can see the faces of your friends and family and enjoy a more personal connection. This can help you feel close to them even when you are miles away.

Scheduling can also be very effective when preparing for home time. Planning exciting activities to do when you visit home can help with battling loneliness on the road. Knowing that you will have outings or activities to look forward to can bring more excitement to your daily life.

This could include attending family gatherings, taking vacations together, or simply spending quality time at home. By setting aside dedicated time for these activities, both you and your loved ones can anticipate these moments, making them even more cherished. This proactive approach can help you to have a better balance between your professional and personal life, despite the challenges on the road.

Computers communicating across map

The ShipEX Difference

We understand that many drivers avoid home time due to the stress of lost income, and during the home time they do take they cannot fully relax. This can deepen feelings of isolation or depression for drivers who feel as though they cannot go home. Reconnecting with loved ones during home time is essential for every truck driver on the road. When you are struggling with stress on the road, taking a break with people you care about can make all the difference.

It is for this reason we have instituted a paid home time program. All ShipEX OTR drivers enjoy paid home time so they don’t need to worry about lost pay during the days that they are home with their families. They continue earning the same amount no matter what. This allows ShipEX drivers to take the time they need without worrying about money. Instead, they can mentally relax and take care of their health before heading back on the road newly refreshed.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is general in nature and should not be considered complete or used in place of a visit, call, consultation or advice of your physician or other mental health-care provider. Should you have any mental health-care-related questions or concerns, please call or see your physician or other health-care provider promptly.